User talk:HyperShark

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*SPOILER* Dataset of unknown Heros? *SPOILER*

Hey Guys, I was browsing the AssestBundel of the game and found some interessting file names. So basicaly I found 11 folders for different Heros with descriptive names: Archivist - Cartie Artificer Bartender - Fassie Cleaner - Sweeper Gunsmith Locksmith Medic - Shroom Roby Scavenger Trapper Yvette

Leaving Zed, Bunker, Blaze and Comrade (I cant clearly define which one is which asset) That means we have still 3 Heroes which are not published yet. Any ideas?

--HyperShark (talk) 22:14, 24 October 2023 (UTC)

Perhaps we can pay attention to everyone on stage, singers, guitarists, and drummers. Why not keyboard player? Because the keyboard player is a jellyfish, I don't think jellyfish is a usable character.

--User:GaleDrizzle (talk) 02:10, 25 October 2023 (UTC)