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Heroes are the main playable characters in the game ENDLESS Dungeon. You can take up to three heroes onto a run in Singleplayer. In Multiplayer, up to two friends can join your session with each of them controlling one character.


Hero stats
Hero name Weapon Health Defense Speed Wit Shove damage Damage bonus Fire rate bonus Crit bonus
Blaze Heavy 250 🟒 0% 7.1 5 🟒 13 0% 🟒 0% 0% 🟒
Bunker Pistol 300 🟒 0% 🟒 7.2 5 13 🟒 0% 0% 0%
Cartie Heavy 200 🟒 0% 7.6 3 🟒 13 0% 🟒 0% 0%
Comrade Heavy 200 🟒 0% 6.3 8 🟒 10 0% 0% 🟒 0% 🟒
Fassie Pistol 250 🟒 0% 🟒 7.7 7 🟒 13 🟒 15% 0% 0%
Shroom Pistol 250 🟒 0% 🟒 6.2 5 🟒 10 0% 0% 0%
Sweeper Pistol 200 🟒 0% 🟒 7.7 10 🟒 13 0% 0% 0%
Zed Heavy 200 🟒 0% 7.9 3 13 0% 🟒 0% 🟒 0%

Stats marked with 🟒 will improve when a hero levels up.

Hero Abilities

Each hero comes with three abilities:

  • A passive ability that is always active.
  • A basic ability with a short cooldown.
  • An ultimate ability that takes longer to charge up but can have devastating effects.

These abilities are all named and are unique to each hero.
On top of that, each hero is able to equip two weapons of the same type to shoot enemies with. Every hero can also sprint, construct devices and turrets, issue pings, perform a melee attack or repair/boost turrets.


You start the game with three Heroes unlocked: Bunker, Sweeper and Zed. You can unlock more Heroes by visiting new Districts and then talking to the inhabitants of the Saloon.

Hero's name District to visit to unlock
Blaze Procedural Factory (Floor 2)
Cartie Labor Colony (Floor 2)
Comrade Transcendance Center (Floor 3)
Fassie Headquarters (Floor 1)
Shroom Devotion Garden (Floor 1)


After you unlock any given hero, they'll strive to achieve a certain goal which you'd call a quest. These vary from beating specific Bosses, reaching certain Districts, or clearing floors under specific conditions.


In your runs, you may find Upgrade Terminals that allow Heroes to level up. These require food and grant you effects ranging from basic stat increases to strong effects tailored towards your specific Hero. These Level Perks are only active during your run and are lost on defeat or victory. To see the list of upgrades, visit the Upgrade Terminal page.

In addition to these temporary upgrades, you may also upgrade Heroes permanently using chips once you arrive back at the Saloon by buying hero chips. These can be equipped and changed whilst in the Saloon to benefit your personal playstyle.



See Also
